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Web Marketing Campaing


Intelligent information is available at our finger tips thus making human contact redundant by the day. Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN are playing a stellar role in dispensing information to the common man according to their needs and preferences. Most of the Business owners and service seekers demand tailor made solutions and instant results. In this backdrop, your website has to be in the most optimized state from a search engine's angle.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization

One of the key things required to reach and maintain top rankings in internet searches is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which refers to ensuring a strategically enhanced and effective positioning of a particular website on the World Wide Web. As one would imagine, this is a process that requires continuous upgrading and maintenance through efficient technological solutions, and our company works to provide you with exactly that kind of result-oriented visibility


Social Media Marketing


The fact is that our websites reside in the social space of web – and all the rules of civics applies to our website too. It is imperative that our website is perceived as a contributor of some value for the web citizens. Social media marketing is umbrella term for all activities which enhance the popularity and interaction of your site with other sites and within the various social networks in the web space. Social media can relates to any any type of media which is user generated and it is consumed and distributed by the users in turn. Some popular social media tools are - RSS feeds, Bookmarking, Blogging, Video sharing, Photo sharing, article contribution, press release etc.


Content Marketing


If you drive traffic to your web site but visitors take one look and go away, you've wasted your marketing dollars AND lost your only chance to make a good first impression. Over the years, we've learned the major factors that turn web site visitors into prospects and customers. Most of these strategies are at least partially known but it's amazing how frequently they aren't employed. They are: Credibility: your credibility determines whether a visitor trusts that you will actually and professionally deliver the product or service that you advertise. Learn the primary contributors to credibility on the web. Visitor Rapport: very few businesses know (or know as well as they should) their web site visitors major concerns and why they make a buying decision. You must be able to speak directly to your visitor's concerns and buying criteria before your visitors will become prospects. NDIC has a simple Market Validation Survey that will give you total clarity about your customers and we can help you deliver the message through your web site in a way that will increase customer conversions.